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School Year 2012-13 »
2013 Varnett student calendar
5th graders catch taste of civil war history with visit to Liendo Plantation
Administrators, teachers prepare for new school year
Advincula: Teaching at Varnett - Experience, Learning, and Sharing
Black History Month celebration
Cinco de Mayo celebration
District Professional Development Day
East Campus 5th Grade Graduation
East Campus PreK Graduation
East Campus students create colors and magic through art
Field Day 2013
Lasting impression: Teacher DeLuna loved his students
New P.E. program just what the doctor ordered
Northeast 5th Grade Graduation
Northeast PreK Graduation
Parents get tips on how to sharpen their children's reading skills
PreK students learn, have fun at Discovery Green
Southwest 5th grade graduation
Southwest PreK Graduation
Students present TSU president with $5,000 check
Students tested for hearing, vision
Teacher Ancheta bids farewell, thanks Varnett for its support
Teacher Llera will bring skills to the Philippines after Varnett departure
Teacher Santoyo: Experience made me strong, brave, well-rounded
Varnett buses recruited to aid in student enrollment
Varnett says 'thank you' with Christmas meals for families
Varnett students witness President Obama's 2013 Inauguration