Schools chief thanks fathers on "Donuts with Dad" day (Video)

Dr. Margaret Stroud, superintendent of The Varnett Public School, addressed a packed house at the Southwest campus multi-purpose room on "Donuts with Dad" day. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles and others came to the campus in a strong show of support of their loved ones. The event was one of the countless activities hosted by Varnett to promote family bonding and collaboration throughout the district.

Ms. Pamella Thomas, parent liaison for Southwest and Early Childhood Center, urged parents to participate in the "2-Hour Power Pledge Program." "If we can get every Varnett Southwest parent to commit to just two hours to helping out this school year, together we can do amazing things for our kids and our school," Ms. Thomas said.

She added: "We're happy to help you get involved in any way that works for your schedule and interests."

The morning event attracted about 215 fathers from Southwest and Early Childhood Center.

Listen to the superintendent's message (Video)
