STAAR tips for students and parents

On Tuesday, April 20, The Varnett Public School will administer the STAAR writing test for 4th and 7th graders.
Here are a few tips to prepare for testing:
1.  Make sure your child has taken any needed medication.
2.  Get a good night’s sleep before the test.
3.  Try to make the morning of the test a pleasant one.  Do not add to your child’s stress.
4.  Get your child to school on time the day of the test.
5.  Encourage your child to stay focused on the test, even if other students finish early.
6.  Wish your child good luck each morning of the test.  Tell your child that he/she is special and that you believe in him/her.
1.  Approach the test with a positive attitude.
2.  For writing prompts – be sure to write neatly and legibly.  If the reader cannot read your answer, you lose!
3.  Read each question carefully and think before you answer.
4.  If you go blank, skip the question and go on.  Be sure to come back to that same question later.
5.  Don’t panic; there is no reward for being the first one done.
6.  Relax, take slow, deep breaths.
Good luck!