Socks donation warms feet, hearts

A special thanks to the many families who participated in the 4th-grade community service sock drive.

Representatives from the Star of Hope in Houston, dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children, picked up dozens of socks earlier this month as they were greeted with 4th grade students at the Southwest Campus.

Although it was a 4th grade project, all students on campus had the opportunity to participate. In addition to socks, the Star of Hope’s ongoing needs include women’s clothing, pillows, blankets, towels, toilet paper, strollers (except umbrella strollers), flash lights and batteries, according to the agency website.

The community service project was part of an overall mission for Varnett students to give to the needy in various ways, including food or even some of their time in visiting the less fortunate.

“At any given time, the Star of Hope has 300 homeless children and many of them come with only the clothes on their backs,” said Scott Arthur, the agency’s director of public relations. “Your donation puts hope in their hearts and warmth on their feet.”