Parents show support for students, participate in open house

Dozens and dozens of parents took advantage of Varnett’s open house Wednesday night to chat with teachers, visit classrooms and collect free books and snacks.

Parents and students walked the campus grounds and entered classrooms where they were greeted by welcoming teachers.  It was a chance for parents to learn how their teachers operate and what they expect from students and themselves, such as making sure their children arrive at school on time. A few parents were able to talk to teachers one-on-one during the visiting period.

Some teachers gave brief summaries about individual students, such as how they are learning and behaving. Dr. Margaret Stroud, Varnett’s interim superintendent, visited classrooms as well and was on hand in the Southwest Campus cafeteria where staff handed out free books and snacks.

The open house was one of many activities aimed toward family involvement. Upcoming events include field trips with chaperones, Carnival Day and other activities.

Thanks to all who took the time to visit the campus and work on behalf of their children.
