"Rock the STAAR" a rallying cry for Southwest students

By Ms. Ni’Cole Mukes

Half of winning any battle is believing that you can. Here at Varnett Southwest, we believe we can Rock the STAAR!!!

On Friday, March 11th, the Southwest Campus held its Rock the STAAR assembly. Teachers for 3rd through 5th graders performed the "STAAR Test Funk" to the beat of Bruno Mars, and the instructional leadership team performed "I'm gonna Pass the STAAR" to the beat of Macklemore.

Click here for pep rally video

The campus also debuted its new STAAR Store. Students can earn STAAR Bucks (fake money) from designated campus personnel and use those bucks to shop in the store for items such as slinkies, kites, electronic robots, sports gear, electronic diaries and a host of other items.

Students earn STAAR Bucks by trying over and over again until they get a problem/question right, focusing during class, voluntarily participating in class, putting forth their best effort and passing the weekly assessment.

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At the end of the assembly, each 3rd-5th grade student completed a STAAR pledge which will be displayed in our cafeteria, stating what they pledged to do in order to pass the STAAR. Students wrote things like " I know I will rock the STAAR because I use my strategies." "I know I will rock the STAAR because I will focus and take my time." "I know I will rock the STAAR because I believe in myself!"

On their way back to class each student received a rubber bracelet with one of four different empowering phrases on them and a "Rock the STAAR" pencil. We are encouraging students to wear their rubber bracelets every day.

We believe in all of you so let's "Rock the STAAR," Southwest!!!!

Preparation tips for the STAAR Test

Here is the testing schedule for STAAR:

  • March 29, (4th grade writing; 5th grade math)
  • March 30, (5th grade reading)
  • May 9,  (3rd-4th grade math; 5th grade math retest)
  • May 10, (3rd-4th grade reading; 5th grade reading retest)
  • May 11,  (5th grade science)
  • May 13,  (Makeup day)
  • June 21,  (5th grade math retest)
  • June 22,   (5th grade reading retest)
Ms. Mukes is director of the Southwest Campus
Photos and video by Ms. LaShanon Hollis, campus parent liaison