Monthly potlucks foster team building among teachers

Here at Varnett-Southwest, teamwork can make all the difference between success and failure. That’s because collaborative teams excel at dividing responsibilities and working towards the same goal. Realizing this, one of our focal points this year is the addition of team-building exercises that are designed to unite us as one cohesive unit.

One of our simple, yet effective, team building activities is our grade-level monthly potlucks. Grade levels are teamed together to host a delicious breakfast on the last Friday of each month.

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October's Breakfast Potluck was prepared by our first- and second-grade teachers: Ms. Dorothy Carloss, Ms. Alisha Brown, Ms. Myrtle Reeves-Brownell, Ms. Veronica Frazier, Ms. Barbra Barber, Ms. Michelle Colbert, Ms. Gloria Idoka, and Ms. Melissa Rivera.

The staff really enjoyed eating the delicious food, debriefing with their colleagues and spending time together outside of the academic arena. 

Thank you,

The Sunshine Committee (SW Social Committee)

Story and photo by Ms. Monique Thornton, fourth-grade teacher and chair of The Sunshine Committee
