February is American Heart Month

By Nurse Karen Allen

Traditionally February is known for heart-shaped candy, but we want to remind everyone about the heart that pumps blood. It's American Heart Month.

The annual celebration began in 1963 to encourage Americans to join the battle against heart disease. A presidential proclamation pays tribute each year to researchers, physicians, public health professionals and volunteers for their tireless efforts in preventing, treating and researching heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.

We the staff and students at The Varnett School Southwest are excited about spreading the word about the importance of preventing heart disease and living a heart-healthy life! Red means blood. Red means heart. This is why we will wear red on Friday, Feb. 8.

It’s important for people from all walks of life to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make small changes that can lead to a lifetime of a healthy heart. If you’re not doing so already, get involved in American Heart Month.
