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6:01 "Rock the STAAR" a rallying cry for Southwest students
Campus administrators, teachers lead the charge
Uploaded Mar 23, 2016 -
2:43 SW cheerleading team captures third-place trophy Uploaded May 02, 2018
2:10 Fifth-grade students recite by memory the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution
On the third day of school, fifth-grade students in Mr. Starks' class recite the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. The Southwest Campus students are learning about the Constitution as part of their social studies instruction.
Uploaded Aug 24, 2016 -
1:21 Cheerleading camp at Southwest Uploaded Aug 01, 2018
00:32 PE at Southwest Uploaded Oct 05, 2016
00:16 Superintendent congratulates SW cheer team and coaches
Southwest cheer team headed to nationals after first-place finish
Uploaded Feb 03, 2023 -
1:41 Varnett's Mrs. Claus gives library books to Southwest students
Varnett's Mrs. Claus gives library books to Southwest students
Uploaded Dec 15, 2016
Ms. Deloris Jackson, the Southwest Campus librarian, gave away library books to students right before the holiday break. Kourtney, a fifth-grader, displays her book "Dork Diaries" and explains why she took advantage of the Scholastic book program. Click link for complete story and lots of photos! -
2:56 Southwest Featured Uploaded Dec 02, 2019
2:44 Southwest Campus wins $125, third-place award for water conservation
Ms. Shiella Fort-David, fifth-grade science teacher at Southwest, explains the water conservation project that recently earned the campus a third-place finish and a $125 check. The project was conducted by last year's fifth-grade class. See complete story:
Uploaded Feb 09, 2017 -
2:18 Breakfast Klub owner addresses students about entrepreneurship
Mr. Marcus Davis, owner of The Breakfast Klub in Houston, talked to fourth and fifth grade students about how he started his business and offered plenty of advice during Career Week at the Southwest Campus library.
Uploaded Apr 28, 2016